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The practice of milk biscuits
Added:2021-12-28     Times:    

How to make milk biscuits delicious? What ingredients and kitchen utensils are needed to learn to make milk biscuits

  The efficacy and role of milk biscuits:

   Milk: rich in protein

  Butter: High in calories, high in fat, high in cholesterol

  Eggs: moisturizing, enhancing immunity, protecting eyes

  Ingredients for Milk Cookies:

   Low powder 145g milk 40g white sugar 35g milk powder 15g butter 35g egg 15g  

  Homemade recipes for milk biscuits:

Diagram of the practice of milk biscuits 1

  1. Cut the butter into small pieces and melt the hot water into a liquid

How to make milk biscuits 2

  2. Add the beaten egg

How to make milk biscuits 3

  3. Stir well into a liquid

How to make milk biscuits 4

  4. Add milk

How to make milk biscuits 5

  5. Stir well

How to make milk biscuits 6

  6. Add sugar and milk powder

How to make milk biscuits 7

  7. Continue to stir well

How to make milk biscuits 8

  8. Then add the sifted low flour

How to make milk biscuits 9

  9. And into dough

How to make milk biscuits 10

  10. Take out the silicone pad, and use a rolling pin to roll it into a square with a thickness of 0.3cm

How to make milk biscuits 11

  11. Cut off excess edges

How to make milk biscuits 12

  12. Use a scraper to cut vertically into strips with a width of 1 or 5, and then cut into squares horizontally.

How to make milk biscuits 13

  13. Arrange on a baking sheet lined with greased paper

How to make milk biscuits 14

  14. Preheat the oven at 180, and bake on the middle layer for 12 minutes

How to make milk biscuits 15

  15. The surface is golden

How to make milk biscuits 16

  16. My baby rabbit also loves it and can't stop eating it

  Home Cooking Food Network Tips:

  1. Do not knead hard when mixing with the dough, so as not to cause tendons to affect the taste

  2. Observe for a few minutes when baking, so as to avoid different sizes and large fires

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